PEACE BE STILL is a Ministry Experience in a Psalm 23 setting while resting in ABBA’S HEALING & COMFORTING PEACE, REST & LIFE, LIGHT & LOVE beneath the COMFORTER’S SHADOW with your Holy Comforter as in Psalm 91. This is a beautiful prelude to lead your heart into COMFORTER’S SHADOW & LIFE, LIGHT & LOVE.

To read how you may enhance & enrich your PEACE BE STILL Ministry Experience, please read my Godstory behind  PEACE BE STILL MINISTRY EXPERIENCE below

My Godsong Ministry PEACE I invite you to experience is COMFORTER’S SHADOW!
Find a quiet place with your cozy blanket symbolically representing you resting beneath the Comforter’s Shadow as you experience ABBA’s peace, comfort and healing love !
Put in your ear buds and then settle into ABBA’s comforting & healing peace and love as I sing and pray over you.
Comforter’s Shadow is like Abba is singing His invitation of Healing Peace, Comfort & Love over you as you rest beneath the COMFORTER’S SHADOW – your Shaddai’s Shadow- as described in Psalm 91.
Imagine that you and Abba are lying down on the blanket of Peace that He has spread out there for you to rest in His peace. See yourself with Abba resting on your blanket of Peace with Him in that beautiful lush green pasture described in Psalms 23.
This is yours and ABBA’s time 222gether. The length of COMFORTER’S SHADOW was intentional to allow your whole being – heart, body, mind, soul & spirit – to have time to dwell in your Secret Place with Abba as you meditate/ focus/ rest/ soak in ABBA’s rest.
There is an intercession /Prayer track for the full length of Comforter’s Shadow that I have mixed down very low volume within the mp3 of me praying / interceding to Abba on your behalf as you listen to Comforter’s Shadow. The intercession / Prayer track is not audible to you; however, I want you to know that as you experience and listen you are being prayed for the entire time.
Therefore, anyone you know who is in need of prayer – you could share Comforter’s Shadow & this message with them, too. You could even gift them a special Comforter’s Shadow blanket along with the mp3 and Godstory behind COMFORTER’S SHADOW. I will include those links below for you.
COMFORTER’S SHADOW is my Godsong; however, it is so much more than a Song. It’s full of audible ministry moments & prayers, too.
You will also be blessed by the most beautiful cello playing compliments of my brother in Christ, Nick Weiner! I see his bow like a needle with thread with ABBA’s hand on His as He played like seaming and binding up and mending broken hearts Nick plays . I really appreciate the heart time Nick spent joining me in Prayer Interceding for you, as well as every note he played so carefully created by Abba as he and I spent time with each segment of the 42:22 mins / sec of the recording.
Afterwards, I would be grateful if you would share your Comforter’s Shadow testimony via this link Link to share your COMFORTER’S SHADOW MINISTRY PEACE TESTIMONY after listening to the mp3
Here are the 2 ways you are able to experience COMFORTER’S SHADOW for free listens and free downloads.
COMFORTER’S SHADOW free mp3 – simply click the ▶️ or right click audio bar and choose “ Save Audio as” to download for free via this link —…/COMFORTERS-SHADOW…
Follow me for free on SoundCloud then listen freely or choose “ More” and select download from the drop down menu to save to your computer/ phone or device
Here is my Godstory (more will be added soon) behind COMFORTER’S SHADOW
For more of my FREE 28 Godsongs, check out my Godsongs Soundcloud Playlist
Godsongsheart2heart Youtube Worship lyric video Playlist…
Nick Weiner

© 2020 GodsongsHeart2Heart Ministry ~


PEACE BE STILL Ministry Experience

To listen, please play from the audio bar or soundcloud player below




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