STAY Aug 15th, 2014 by GodsongsHeart2Heart

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Godsongs Copyright 2014 / Godsong born July 15, 2013

(Speaking part w/Ambience)
Like Liquid Love..Flow….Flow in the ink wells of my soul. You dip Your featherlight quill to pen Your love song, Your Love Signature, the Covenant of Love’s Promise Upon the tablets of my heart & You STAY…. You stay always. The chambers of my heart echoes within the Love Shadow of Your Wings. The Heartbeat of Heaven is singing through me. Your Love song stays with me…always. Like a Master Musician, You’ve tuned my heartstrings to the Key of Your Lovesong and it will always be, it will always STAY in Love’s Tune

I close my eyes
You are here
You’re the Face of Love
Whose melt away each fear
Oh the brush of Your wings
Has wiped away each tear, oooh &
With Your feather quill
You’ve signed and sealed
Your endless Love song
I am Yours, Forever Always

You are always there
You will always Stay
Deep inside my heart
In love with me always
No matter what may come
There You will remain
You will always Stay_______

You’re my Love
You’re my Light
Glory Cloud by day
Illuminate my Heart light
In the Chambers of my heart
In the shadow of Your night wings
The Holy Pulse of Your Love
Strums a Love tune on my Heart strings
I am Yours, Forever Always

You are always there
You will always Stay
Deep inside my heart
In love with me always
No matter what may come
There You will remain
You will always stay,
oooh, ‘Cause

You are always there
You will always Stay
Deep inside my heart
In love with me always
No matter what may come
There You will remain
You will always Stay, yeah

You are Alpha
And Omega
Ever Present, never changing
Hope, who was and is to come
Oh, Praise You Holy One
Forever You’ll Stay
Close beside me
Forever always
Oh Heaven’s in my heart
There You’ll always Stay_____

You are Alpha
And Omega
Ever Present, never changing
Hope, who was and is to come
Oh Praise You Holy One, oooh
Forever You’ll Stay
Close beside me
Forever always
Oh Heaven’s in my heart
There You’ll always Stay______

You are always there
You will always Stay
Deep inside my heart
In love with me always
No matter what may come
There You will remain
You will always Stay____

You are always there
You will always Stay
Deep inside my heart
In love with me always
No matter what may come &
There You will remain
You will always stay, Yeah, ‘Cause

(repeat to fade)
You will always Stay in Love with me Always

To read my Godstory behind STAY, please follow this link:

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